The Conspiracy Theory
The Conspiracy Theory
Not being in a Camera Real Ale Trail leaflet when we had the best Abbot in town and every other beer selling establishment was represented.
The man had agreed to buy the business for £250,000 but returned after a visit to discuss details saying he couldn’t buy it because waiting on the station for a train he’d been approached by a man who’d threatened to kill him if he bought it. This was an early days happening.
Early experience of blocked drain events that stopped happening when it became clear I could deal with them without costly outside help.
People who said they would become regular vegetarian diners never turned up once after we’d taken possession.
Cigarette machine break-ins.
Wilful damage that stopped on realisation insurance was paying for it.
Even troubles with the Tourist Board hag.
A satisfied established guest, a contractor working locally, who left without cause soon after we took over.
The taxi proprietor with continuous questions about how much we paid for it.
The landlord of a local pub who said he wanted to buy it but didn’t have as much money as me.
Nastiness from the Licensed Victuallers Association.
£10,000 kept cropping up.
The electrician milking a sick cow.
Even the Ghost could have been solid mischief.
Imagine having a malignant stalker, a ball and chain, a mad dog with jaws slavering poison clamped to your leg every day and every night for twenty years and never letting go.
Every unjustified set back fits this cesspit scenario and strengthens the conviction ‘Conspiracy Theory’
Let’s say, that with a little help, ‘The penny has finally dropped’.
The next episode will be the last and offers a what-might-have-been. In the meantime, avoid the area, it is a hell of silent creepers.